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15889686642 2011-12-22 20:27
挚爱仔仔朗 2011-9-27 21:01
loi: I finally got in to Zai ba today.
sorry to bother you
loi 2011-9-21 10:22
I don't know 多了还是少了
I don't pay attention to the number much
but I thought the other movie that they mentioned was a big budget one so I thought they wouldn't divide it 3 equally
they probably put more money on the other one
so what's the 很经典的草包论?
this one didn't mention it
it's something after the 草包论
羽扇一搖 2011-9-21 10:07
loi: ha ha ha
I just saw this on a thread in Tainya
It's tooooo funny
Do you know what's the 很经典的草包论?

  因 ...
哈~ 我知道草包论,知道仔以前说过自己是草包,但不知道这么详细。皮包反过来说不就是开黄腔了?想不到偶像还这么敢乱讲,服了他!


loi 2011-8-27 19:47
Sorry, I don't even know what q is.
loi 2011-8-27 19:46
I don't know much about that.
My husband won't let me use any  相册 website.
He said I would get lots junk mail.
I usually just posted from my computer file directly.
nfuchushuimian 2011-8-27 14:38
loi: so you are suibian63011 in Zai ba?
nfuchushuimian 2011-8-27 14:35
loi: so you are suibian63011 in Zai ba?
loi 2011-8-21 19:15
I saw it now.
3Q for the notice
羽扇一搖 2011-8-21 11:39
loi 2011-8-17 10:36
I have never watched 梁朝伟's or 刘德华's movie or drama.
So I can't say anything.
I do agree it's a nice thing to be mentioned that Vic is reminded people of them.
But sometimes after people keep saying Vic's like them too long it might not be a good thing.
It would be almost like Vic is trying to copy them & lose his own identity.
Vic does try to make himself to be a one & only.
He is on the way there.
羽扇一搖 2011-8-17 10:04
看到有人在新闻区留言说“很讨厌动辄说仔像梁朝伟,像刘德华,像周星驰~ 虽然不喜欢刘德华也不喜欢周星驰,但我喜欢伟仔,尽管如此可我不喜欢把仔说成是台湾的伟仔,仔就是仔,不是谁的接班人或替代品。不要一演喜剧就说仔像周星驰,其实仔的喜剧一点也不周星驰,周星驰的表演很夸张很程式化,仔的表演就像仔的冷笑话,不夸张,但在点上。仔不必做谁,仔只要做仔自己,假以时日,加以勤奋,仔会发光~”





loi 2011-8-8 20:20
it really is a very good 好货
thanks again
loi 2011-8-8 20:09
ok    3Q
羽扇一搖 2011-8-8 20:01
loi 2011-3-17 09:50
Thank you very much.
Do you know where I can find that "第一次07年日本社员大会"視頻?
背心 2011-3-17 09:39
loi: 對不起,我可能沒表達清楚。
我問的是在視頻的0:24-0:27 那視頻是從哪裏截出來的?
哦哦  好像是第一次07年日本社员大会哦
背心 2011-3-17 08:59
loi: Thank you for answering.
you mean the newspaper-Chinatime?
Do you have the original video clip?
what event was that?
The link is original
It’s old news 。。。
背心 2011-3-17 08:03
loi: Can I ask you a question?
at this video
at 0 ...
It's come from CHINATIME
yossy 2011-3-5 23:24
loi: How much do you know about Koritame?
Is it just a magazine or something more?
I don't know very about "koritame"
You know "koretame" is "korean entertainment"'s abbreviation?
They said about collaboration project with 仔仔 in blog.
I examined his company.
It is mail-order house.
They seem not to be issuing the magazine.
After all, I have not understood anything as for the content of the project.  

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